Question / Help Is there a way to make scenes randomly switch on their own


New Member

I am new to the OBS forums though I have been using OBS lightly for just over a year now. I am planning on starting to do live drum covers soon using multiple cameras and was wondering if there was a way that I could set a hot key to run through a series of predetermined scenes while I played the drums and then stop when I hit the hotkey again.

I guess a scene of scenes... scene-ception you might call it.

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
You could likely set up AutoHotkey to press keys at set intervals, and have those as hotkeys to scenes in OBS. There is no built-in randomized autoswap though, no.


New Member
It's been a few years since this was posted but I was searching and found this thread.

There is a plugin called Advanced Scene Switcher. It does more than the title suggests.