Question / Help Is there a way to default file saving to .mp4 instead of .FLV?


New Member
So I don't normally use OBS to Stream. I sometimes do but not often. I record a lot with it though and sometimes when I record some exceptionally good video, actually, mostly when I record some exceptionally good video, I go to put it all in Premiere and what do I find? A bunch of FLV files that I can't use in Premiere so I have to scrap all my good video. And it's not like I can go back and just replicate the same exact video. So that footage is lost forever. This actually frusterates me quite a bit and was wondering if it's at all possible to make it a default on the selecting file names and path, that it has MP4 already selected so you 1. Don't make that same mistake again. And 2. Save time and get to what you want to record a half second quicker. Because who in their right mind records in FLV?


New Member
But why?
I don't see any program using FLV. Especially not something like Adobe Premiere CC. Which is what I'm using.
I mean I understand mp4 is pretty unreliable. But that's only if you don't know what you're doing here and you, say, shutdown OBS before stopping the recording which is something I never do.
I just think it'd be easier for people who'd rather not Stream to have the choice to switch from FLV and mp4 defaults.


New Member
Well thanks for stating the problem that I am having and never getting back to me on that. You were really helpful... you know, doing nothing.


Active Member
Is he seriously mad that he didn't get a followup response within the hour? Time to populate the ignore list.