Is there a valid reason to use 48kHz audio sample rate??


New Member
A quick search on the Internet suggests the human ear cannot discern the difference between 48kHz and 44.1kHz audio sample rates. If that is true, in order to save CPU especially on low-tech computers, should all audio source have sample rates set at 44.1kHz?

Is there any other reasons that we should choose 48kHz sample rates?


Suslik V

Active Member
48kHz was standard for HW players of DVD era (better dividable by 24fps of the film footage, etc). This is the root.

For example, YouTube service recommends 48kHz over the 44.1kHz for videos uploaded to the service (some related links:

To avoid sample rate conversions it is better to preserve sample rate in all stages of your production. Your production should be aimed at target device/service (where your content will be viewed and listen)
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