Is Texture Filtering going to be in added to OBS Studio?


I was messing around w/ cropping tonight, and it seems like there's no way to turn on or off the crop per scene. Is this something that could be added or would I have to add another vid cap device referencing the same capture device from before but this time without the cropping filter set?

Is texture filtering going to be added? While recording the desktop, if I go to different monitors with different resolutions, the quality of the text is pretty bad when the monitor's not the full size of the video.


Active Member
While recording the desktop, if I go to different monitors with different resolutions, the quality of the text is pretty bad when the monitor's not the full size of the video.

I think you want to enable point filtering with the monitor capture properties if that happens. It helps when upscaling the resolution but also help in cases like this.


I'll check into that. I have it enabled on a few inputs, but I'll see how it handles a resized desktop window's text.

Is point filtering available in OBS Studio?


Active Member
I'll check into that. I have it enabled on a few inputs, but I'll see how it handles a resized desktop window's text.

Is point filtering available in OBS Studio?
I honestly have no clue if it will be in OBS MP. I just was reading about it 2 days ago since its inoy for window and monitor capture from what I see in OBS1