Question / Help Is it Possible?

Sean Lohman

New Member
Is it possible to run a dual stream setup with a mac-book pro 15" and a custom gaming PC? and if it is possible what is the best route to get it up and running?

I currently have a brand new mac book pro 15" and a gaming PC I built a while back, I am wanting to stream to twitch from my mac-book but be able to play the game on my PC, I was planning on getting a windows laptop but things came up and I now have a mac. So basically what I am getting at here is it even possible to stream from a mac-book pro and game from a pc? If it is, what is the equipment/software I would need? I'd like to keep it all to equipment if possible and not much software on the mac book, but at the end of the day if I can run them both and stream, I don't care what I'm using.


- Sean M Lohman

Sean Lohman

New Member
I feel like saying that is too easy to be true, I'm looking for a solid answer from someone that has done it before. I want to thank you for the reply but I do not want to buy a 100$+ capture card and find out it is just a paper weight. once again thank you for your reply!

- Sean M Lohman


Active Member
A 2PC setup generally isn't worth it, especially not with a laptop (extra-especially a Mac, which aren't exactly known for performance). You want your encoding machine to have the strongest CPU, as it will be doing the heavy lifting compared to most gaming which is normally GPU-dependent. A crappy outdated machine that you have lying around isn't going to help. 2PC setups are also a giant pain in the butt to set up audio-wise.

All that said, yes, you just need a capture card compatible with your second system, and to ensure your laptop can run OBS. It really, really isn't worth the money and hassle though for 99% of people out there, especially if you're just getting started with streaming. Most would get equal if not better performance with a single-PC setup, assuming they didn't buy a bottom-barrel economy CPU.