Question / Help Is it possible to stream other streams?


New Member
For example, me and 3 other friends all want to race dark souls.

We can stream to twitch, and we also have a 5th person who doesn't play, could he somehow stream our streams so everyone can see the race?

Is it possible to do this without just opening up 4 twitch pages?


Community Helper
Well, there's no option for RTMP source in OBS yet, so capturing 4 Twitch channels might be the best way to do it if OBS is your only option. You might be able to use rtmpdump to open the 4 streams in separate VLC players and do window capture on those, but that's not much better tbh.


Community Helper
Even if there was support for RTMP source, it would still be non-trivial. You would have to set up your own RTMP server (Red5, crtmpserver, nginx with RTMP module, or Wowza, for example) and have your friends stream to that server. Only then could you add their streams as RTMP sources in OBS (or whatever streaming client you wish) by pointing the client at your server. (You can't use your own RTMP viewer with Twitch, you have to use their Flash client.)

If you want to spend money, there is a program called vMix that does a lot of fancy video mixing stuff, and it has support for RTMP sources.


Community Helper
I've only ever used crtmpserver and nginx's RTMP module, neither of which can be set up with a GUI. I've never tried Red5 or Wowza, but Wowza is not free. Between crtmpserver and nginx with RTMP module, the latter seems to be more user-friendly to me. But that doesn't mean it's involves stuff Linux server management and compiling stuff from source, so if you're familiar with that stuff, it's not bad at all.


both adobe media server and wowza are fairly easy to setup but they both cost money.

FireTaco the easiest option you're looking for is to use an addon on firefox called tile-tabs open all 4 channels with /popout at the end of the channel url press f12 so they appear in a grid and then use game capture to capture firefox.. you can press f11 to go full screen and mute the streams that you don't wanna hear.

don't forget to use 64bit obs with 64bit firefox. or 32 bit if the windows is 32bit