Question / Help Is it possible to split one webcamera into 2 facecams?



I'm wondering if it's possible to split one webcamera to use as 2 different facecams during tournaments and so on?
Here's a reference video on how i mean.

As you can see when they switch over the game itself it seems like there's just one camera in front of the players that just splits up to 2 different sources.

When trying to add the webcam twice in OBS it just says it's already in use. Do i need a third party application or similar to make this happen?


The Helping Squad
To explain this a bit more. OBS-Studio allows you to add any source that exists a second or third or fourth time and so on, to the same or another scene.
Instead of adding a new one, you can choose add existing and select your webcam. Then you could crop one to show the left player and crop the second source to show the right player.


To explain this a bit more. OBS-Studio allows you to add any source that exists a second or third or fourth time and so on, to the same or another scene.
Instead of adding a new one, you can choose add existing and select your webcam. Then you could crop one to show the left player and crop the second source to show the right player.

Oh that explains why we got the error. Last time we tried we were in a rush, we had like 10 minutes to get the stream up because people were late and whatnot.

And i was sitting and trying in OBS classic (since i use that for streaming at home on my personal computer instead, i find it easier to use there)

Will definitely use this on the next tourney we're having.

Thanks for explaining this :)


Active Member
You can also use OBS Classic, just make sure the webcam is set up as a Global Source. Add two copies of it to the scene, and just ALT-crop each differently.

Also works with other capture types, allowing the especially creative to crop and rearrange on-screen elements (like the UI) with minimal additional overhead.