Question / Help Is it possible to record my OBS scene on better quality?


New Member
Greetings guys.
First, I'm sorry if some of my sentences doesn't make any sense, english isn't my mother language, so please bear with me.

I have all setup on my scene on OBS. Game, chat, ticker to name a few. The thing is my connection isn't... let's say... as good as I could wish, so I have to stream at 480p.

So I was wondering, is there a way to stream at 480p, AND have the local recording (with OBS or Third party software, or anything) of my full OBS Scene at my screen resolution (1366x768)?

I hope I could make it understandable to you guys.
Sorry again for my english and thanks in advance!


This can be done the expensive way, the "duck taped" way or the efficient way, or also the advanced way.

The expensive way would require a capture card a second monitor and another machine.
The "duck taped" way would require you to run multiple instances of obs and capture the full preview of obs stream
The efficient way is not yet implemented
and the advanced way would be to save and output the stream (at 1366p) to a local media server that would handle transcoding and pushing the stream at 480p


New Member
Well, sorry for answering after a week, but I was testing some setups.

So I tried the Duct tape method on a test and it worked. It was a different story while streaming.

I will do more tests later today, but I would like to ask in advance (Just to have a vague idea): Does OBS recording consume a lot of resources?

I have a quad core processor and 8GB RAM, so it's kinda odd to have problems (its possible, but it caught me out of guard).

The setup I had was
- 1 OBS to stream (480p)
- 1 OBS to record (768p)
- DXtory to use with OBS (I think I messed up here. I used AVI instead of RawCap)
- Project64

After that setup, I suddenly had a framerate drop from 50fps (normal on P64) to 20fps.
Anyway, I will do more testings. Thanks for the help so far guys.


Community Helper
Encoding video is very demanding on your CPU. Even running just once instance of OBS will tax your system, and 2 definitely will.


ShadowHunterAxl said:
- DXtory to use with OBS (I think I messed up here. I used AVI instead of RawCap)
It doesn't matter since you're not recording to file, only outputting DirectShow.


New Member
dodgepong said:
Encoding video is very demanding on your CPU. Even running just once instance of OBS will tax your system, and 2 definitely will.

Oh my god. Sure it is demanding... I had another setup again with DXtory. I had some results (I don't think anybody care about it, but I think it could help if someone wants to do this too):

- I changed the stream FPS and the record FPS to 30.
- Stream and record results:

-- Slow downs (something between 25~30) every once in a while, but not a single frame drop on either recording or streaming.
-- Pj64 with a cap of 50fps, with slowdowns between 46~50 .

Even if it's not that bad, I think I can still get better resulsts. I don't know if you guys can give me any ideas of this.

After testing, another question came to my mind:

- Is there a difference between 'scale' and 'Base resolution'?
For starters, I think 'scaling' is still more demanding than a base resolution, but just my thoughts.

I will just try to explore everything I have on hand, because I really want to stream the only quality I can, but also want to record with the best quality I could afford.

Xphome said:
ShadowHunterAxl said:
- DXtory to use with OBS (I think I messed up here. I used AVI instead of RawCap)
It doesn't matter since you're not recording to file, only outputting DirectShow.

Yeah, I realized that after today's tests.