Question / Help Is it possible to drop only audio frames?


New Member
I'm using OBS Studio 0.15.2 and recently (a few weeks ago, so the issue has been persistent across more than one version), I have noticed my recordings are missing very small pieces of game audio every 5-7 minutes. The video is fine, but there are gaps in the audio, typically only 6-10 frames. Is it possible that I am dropping audio frames?
My PC specs:
i7-3930K 4.2GHz
16gb Ram
Windows 10 (also happened in Windows 7)

Current recording settings:
Recording Format: MP4
Encoder: x264
Rate Control: CRF
CRF: 10
Keyframe Interval: 0
CPU Usage: ultrafast
Profile: high

I've attached my most recent log. All of my recordings across numerous games have this same audio gap issue.

I'm not very good at reading the logs, so I'm honestly not sure what I'm looking at. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • 2016-08-01 22-28-33.txt
    21.9 KB · Views: 7


Active Member
1) Don't record to MP4. Ever. It's a VERY fragile format, and if OBS crashes or there's a problem finalizing the file, you lose it all. And no, it can't be recovered, even through MP4 reconstruction tools, as OBS uses a dynamic file atom per-recording (most just clone an atom from a 'good' file over). Record to FLV, and fast-remux over to MP4 if your video editing suite doesn't have FLV support. There's a fast-remux guide, or you can do it easily from OBS Studio's File menu.

2) You're overclocking. I had a similar problem to this with my i7-920 when I was using an 'economy' mode (via ASUS EPU-6) to downclock the CPU further than it was supposed to go. Essentially the system bus clocks can fall out of sync if things are getting tweaked wrong, causing OBS to 'skip' to catch up the growing offset. Go here, download and run this app; it should be in the low tens of milliseconds at most after about 5-10 minutes: If it's not, you'll need to undo your overclock and see if the issue still happens. Mine were in the thousands.

3) You've posted to the OBS Classic Q&H forum, for the old Windows-only codebase. Studio Q&H is up a level or two and over. :)


New Member
Thank you FerretBomb! I will most definitely look into that app and I'll also move over to the Studio Q&H if I have any other questions :)