Question / Help Is it better to output videos to a USB stick?


New Member
Is it any better than writing videos to the hard disk? Will it increase the performance? Should I invest in a USB stick with high writing speed?


Active Member
It will NOT improve performance. You're looking at needing to maintain 5-6mbyte/sec, 10 at MOST. It's not enough to make saving to a USB stick worthwhile.
And that's before you get into the low capacity of the sticks vs how much you're going to use them.


Active Member
If you want to buy something, buy a huge hard drive. Even the slowest still-sold hard drive you can find is 10x faster than you need. If you get a 4 GB drive, for example, that's many many hours of recordings you can do.

When I made this video: I captured over 1000 hours of gameplay at 20000kbps, and for all that, one 4GB hard drive wasn't enough. :)