Bug Report Invalid Stream Key


New Member
Hello all,

I've been using OBS for a while, but only recently has the program stopped streaming because of an "invalid stream key."

I've reset my stream ID in Twitch.tv, and copied it into the broadcaster, but to no avail. I make sure to copy the key into notepad and then copy it into the program, but still, nothing.

Help me, Forums, you're my only hope!


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
what version are you using? in 0.461a and below there was a bug related to the stream key that could sometimes happen. if you're using an earlier version you may want to update. otherwise, I might have to check the code again or something.


New Member
Jim said:
what version are you using? in 0.461a and below there was a bug related to the stream key that could sometimes happen. if you're using an earlier version you may want to update. otherwise, I might have to check the code again or something.

Most recent version.


I have also had this on latest version. Once. It claimed invalid stream key, i went to twitch and copu pasted te key and all fine again. If this was twitch changing their keys i don't know, but highly unlikely, at least not without sending information about it.
Not a big problem if it doesnt happen often.