Question / Help Internet lags when streaming! Need help on setting/upload speed.


New Member
Recently I've been trying to stream simple games like Minecraft. The game runs fine but when I press Start Streaming the game just lags like crazy. I don't mean as in performance lag but internet lag and it usually disconnects me from the server and when I join back its lagging like crazy. The game is completely unplayable and therefore unstreamable. I did a speed test on my internet and I have a download speed of 9.43 Mbps and an upload speed of around 0.75 Mbps. My mom says we have the best internet package from Cox but I highly doubt that because of how laggy a simple stream can make my game. Can anyone help me with the settings I should put with my PC build and my internet speed? I'll be putting my PC specs below.

GeForce GTX 750 Ti
Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz
8.00 GB RAM (7.96 GB usable)


Active Member
.75 Mbps isn't really enough to stream to the internet. You might try making offline videos instead, and uploading those to YouTube later. Otherwise, you'll have to downscale your video a LOT to make it fit, 480p or 360p at no more than 500kbps. But it won't look good, so I dunno if I'd even bother.