Question / Help Installing HTC Vive killed my webcam...but only in OBS!


New Member
I've run into a very odd issue and was wondering if anyone else has had something similar happen.

I use a Logitech C920 webcam with OBS and, ever since I installed/setup the Vive, whenever I go to start the camera in OBS, the blue LED on the camera just blinks twice and I get no video. The camera seems to work fine in other programs (tested in iSpy 64 v3) and OBS works fine with the camera in the Vive.

I'm thinking there is some "interference" or something going on but I really don't know. I have tried disabling the Vive camera...tried both the Vive and the camera in every USB port in town...gone through all the settings I can find...nothing seems to help. Anyone have anything they think I should look at?



New Member
It's still doing this. It's quite frustrating as I can't use my webcam now. Anyone have any idea how to fix it?


New Member
I was perusing the log and noticed it complaining about 1080p due to the draw on USB. I DO have a...TON...of USB devices, so I started toying with cranking the webcam's resolution down from 1080p. It seems like the highest I can go is 720p, but it IS WORKING again. For what I do, for now, this should work ok.

I hope someone in the future can use this info.