Question / Help Ingame stuttering/lag/low fps with NVIDIA EVENC


New Member
Hello, first let me describe my setup.

I have a i5 3570k overclocked at 4,2 ghz.
A GTX 1060
16 gb of ddr3 ram
a couple of SanDisk SSDs

and a 144 hz monitor. Now here is the problem. Whenever I start streaming, the framerate is quite high. Above 200 most of the time in the games I'm playing but it doesn't look like that on my screen. The Frame counter shows a high fps ingame but on my screen, it doesn't look like that. It barely looks like 30. The stream itself is smooth and runs at 60.

I assume that my OBS settings are causing this because when I use the Nvidia Geforce experience to stream, I don't suffer from such heavy frame drops ingame and OBS Nvec encode should basically be that.

Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

On a side note, I have a really good and stable internet connection. So if there are options I missed that take advantage of it, I'd be really happy if you could tell me them.
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New Member
I found the solution to this problem. By minimizing the obs window and closing my own stream, I got rid of the stutter.


Active Member
Closing the Stream shouldnt be needed anymore ever since Twitch now supports HTML5 Video Playback. Still its recommended to only leave a Chat Popout up and close your own Stream.

For the OBS Window Issue you can disable the Preview in OBS, this way you can at least monitor if you are dropping Frames.