ingame overlay (chat, etc)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3892
  • Start date

Deleted member 3892

I would like some overlay in-game, like i'll press somekey ingame, and a menu shows with controls, so you'll be able to see chat (ofcourse you can change size, since for example progamers on CS play on low res), and when you'd closed the big overlay, you would see small banners upper, like bitrate, dropped frames, quality etc etc


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Forum Moderator
While it's something that would be cool, it's not something I can particularly make time for right now personally. That sort of feature is particularly difficult. Could be done with game capture, but it's just somewhat of a pain, especially something interactive. Very painful.

Deleted member 3892

Its okay!
Thanks anyways, hope maybe after some version, this will be implented!


New Member
i agree this would be nice.
or just that i can see it in game. dont even need to chat that is where mic is for.
but i would find it handy to see what vieuwers say wile i play and dont need to alt tab.
for example twitch chat.


New Member
I would like to suggest first a simple overlay ,only for streaming/notstreaming indicator, streaming time, maybe fps counter, like in screen capture programs does the fps counter and the overlay which show the status rec/stop/pause (fraps,bandicam etc), this overlay would show only if a press the correspondig button, as kernel1337 suggested,now i have to alt tab to see if the stream started or not.
Options to set in which corner its would show

Keep up the good work.


Honestly, I do not see why you would need this functionality inside of OBS itself. At best I could see it being a plugin. But, honestly... it'd be much easier to simply find some third party software that does this and to then simply capture that software as well.


New Member
Personally i hate to record/stream the fps number, and anithing related to the recording/streaming program, like cpu core temp,or cores used etc... Thats why woudl be an overlay woud be good which show its informatino only when the button is pressed.
But for feedback i want to see how the fps and others things change to tweek my settings for the best resolt,with the fewest extra programs running.


It generates more than enough relevant data to do that already. Just take a look at a log file in %AppData%\OBS. More than enough numbers to throw about. ;)


New Member
I check them after each stream.
But as i sad i love to see/check them during the stream/recording.
An overlay which is invisible for the stream and recording which show's obs itself , so ingame i can make the sources/scenes changes with out alt+tabing out,and mute mi mic/desktops and change the volume for them.
An ingame obs overlay