Question / Help Ingame lagspike while streaming


New Member
Hello there!

So I have been streaming from time to time, but my internet was always to bad to really get into it. Recently I upgraded my internett speed to 25/5 which should be more than good enough for a ~720p stream.

So I tested my connection, becuse I though that this may be my problem.

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The wierd thing is that my stream does not lag, it only lags ingame. When I stream my ping drops from ~80 to about 130, and it goes back down and back up again. Sometimes I also have these big spikes or delays.

My logg:

So why is this? Becuse when I watch the replay of my stream it doesnt lag at all, and I dont drop any frames while streaming. I hope one of you guys have encountered this before.

Edit: Id like to add that I can stream local to my computer with the same settings, and I didnt have any ingame problems.


Community Helper
If you're getting high ping, that means your stream and the game are competing too much for your internet connection. First try enabling "Minimize Network Impact" in Broadcast Settings, and if that still doesn't help, try lowering the bit rate that you are streaming at.