Question / Help Ingame Lag


New Member
Hey, i have a problem streaming..
The stream itself running well.. I have an upload of about 1mb, and im streaming on 480p with ~500kbit buffer on high end gaming pc

But the problem is occuring ingame, where i have huge spikes, for example the game osu, which is rly not hard for a computer to run.. problem also occurs in games like grid, basicly fast games where you notice fast changes on screen..

Its not "visible" on the stream though, but as streamer playing games is impossible.. is there a solution?

edit: i found this video on youtube
at 4:00min it describes my situation while playing


Community Helper
Don't use Monitor capture with Aero enabled. Either disable Aero, or use Window capture.


New Member
Thanks for that quick responses, i will try that the next time im streaming..
One more question, what is this aero thing? Why does it has to be disabled when monitor capture?


Community Helper
Aero is the Windows interface that makes things look pretty: nice window transitions, translucency, etc. It also gives each window its own "layer" that Window capture can capture very easily to display the Window's contents. However, it works very poorly when you are trying to capture the whole monitor. Aero needs to be disabled to do that in Windows 7 to use Monitor capture or else it performs very badly.