Incremental Save-to-File Names


New Member
Rather only having the option of saving to a set file name, please consider adding an option to use an incremental naming schema. One option might be to save in YYYYMMDDHHmmss format.

If a video recording was initiated on 01/15/13 at 4:45:00 PM, the file name would automatically be set to 20130115164500.mp4.

This would make it easier to save a tangible backup copy of each cast without worrying about overwriting the previous one.

Thank you.


It kinda does incremental naming already. it start with just your FileName and then FileName (1), FileName (2),...


New Member
Could anyone give some precise directions on how to fill the fields in order to get this incremental behaviour ?
When I give a target and filename, the latter is not incremented but the file is rather overwritten.

Thx to the community here.