Question / Help Increase gamma/saturation of colors


New Member
Is there a plugin to increase the contrast/gamma or push the saturation of colors?
The use case for this is whiteboarding.


New Member
I tried, but I don't quite understand it. I saw the files included (e.g. black_and_white.png), how can I create my own?


New Member
Do you know what kind of LUT I would need? I tried searching for "binarize image with LUT" or "threshold image with LUT" but didn't find anything helpful.
I want to threshold the letters from a whiteboard.


New Member
No, it's a good start but the letters are kind of blurry. I want to threshold (or enhance) the letters, I also tried with chroma key to no avail.


Active Member
Chroma key is for green screen effect, not for color correction.

Can you share a logfile so I can see your configuration?



Active Member
I think you're going to be a bit limited there based on the source material.

Making custom LUTs is well outside my area of expertise, I just know that in theory someone who knows how can do this with a custom LUT; that custom LUTs can be made in applications like Photoshop, and that OBS can apply a custom LUT.

Otherwise, the built-in color correction filter is what OBS can do.

There are 3rd party plugins that offer other filters, but I don't know that any do what you need.



I just stumbled upon this post randomly and might be able to help. Am I correct in understanding that you want to take an arbitrary image such as the whiteboard photo in imgur, and convert it to solid black and white with no greyscale for in between values? I have ideas for how to do that with stock OBS filters alone, but also potentially with a custom pixel shader.


New Member
Hi SkeletonBow,
Well the feed would come from the camera but I guess it's the same.
Could you please elaborate on your ideas?


Active Member
Creating a custom LUT is actually quite easy.

You'll want to have a template image from OBS that you want affected (as in, the image that will be affected by the LUT). I normally take a direct screenshot of the OBS preview to know I'm working with the exact colors OBS is seeing.

Load the default.png file into photoshop, and expand the canvas to allow for your template image to be placed next to it. Add your image onto the same layer.

From here, apply all the color/levels/adjustments to the whole layer to achieve the desired effect. This will result in the default LUT changing to match each of the changes you applied to the color space.

Once done, crop back down to the 512x512 area of the original LUT image, save as a new .png, and add as a LUT filter in OBS.


Earlier this year I experimented with this and got a working binarization shader that works well for artistic purposes but not for professional binarization for bringing out the details in images like the above. Recently I decided to experiment with some ideas I had about how to improve the results based on imperfect lighting in the source image. I came up with a number of new approaches, some of which are just purely artistic, and some of which appear to do just what is needed to clean up the image. Here is the result of one of my best approaches so far, and it works in real time on live video in OBS:


That looks great, is there any way I can use it?
Did you use a LUT?

My PC died not long after I posted the above so the files are currently inaccessible, but ping me on OBS Discord server if you like. Once I get the machine back up and running I'll polish the code a bit and you can try it out. Might be a few days/week depending on what's wrong with my machine though.