Question / Help Incorrectly Rotated Images in Slideshow

I added a directory full of images to the slideshow, that all worked fine, but I noticed that one of them was rotated wrong. So I went into windows explorer and rotated the image to be correct. Then I went back to OBS, and the image was still rotated wrong in the slideshow... so I deleted the slideshow, and re-created it (thinking that would refresh the image), and... when the slideshow came back up, the offending image is still rotated wrong.

I am wondering if there is a cash I have to delete to get this to work, or if when I rotated the image in Windows, it only changed some meta data rotate field that OBS is ignoring, and didn't actually rotate the image? Thoughts on how to fix this? I am not sure if this is a question or a bug report... It sure looks like a bug.

I can rotate the entire slideshow, but I only want to rotate this one image.

I did some searching, and couldn't find a thread already talking about this issue, but I could have missed something.

Update, I have tried copying the entire directory to another folder, and then loading that new directory into the slideshow... same thing, incorrectly rotated images. I also copied just the image in question to a duplicate, and renamed it. Same problem.

Then I opened the file with paint, and re-saved it.... tada... magically it's rotated correctly. I don't really want to do this, because they are jpeg pictures of my family, so every time I re-save them I lose quality. I am leaning towards the rotate happening in a meta property of the jpeg that obs is not handling correctly.