Bug Report Incompatability with sony vegas [solved, wrong settings]


New Member
Seeing as OBS has the ability to record at such high quality I often like to use it as a screen recorder rather than a livestreamer. I will record at 8000kbs to file and the videos come out looking very, very nice. The quality is amazing and looks just like the real thing

The only problem (as you may have guessed from the title of this video, well done) is that this does not work with sony vegas (specifically Sony Vegas movie studio platinum 11 - I don't know about any other versions). To get to the point, when importing the recorded file into vegas, the program will lock up as it cannot read the file (either during or after the "building peaks" stage). I am asuming the problem is that the encoding method in OBS (designed for streaming and not importation and editing) is incompatible with the codec that sony vegas use for MP4 files (I have yet to try with flv). The CPU usage will rocket up to about 90% and the program will lock up. If it ever does unfreeze, it cannot render the file, it cannot scrub through or even play the file or it will start locking up again.

There may be some like of code that can be put into the x264 encoder settings but I don't know enough about that to comment


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Re: Incompatability with sony vegas

To use the file in sony vegas, you need to turn on "Use CFR" in advanced, and use AAC audio encoding.