Question / Help Image Slideshow Still Not Working in 24 or 25 beta


New Member
Hi there,

QUESTION 1: I am streaming a church service once weekly since the beginning of COVID-19 confinement, and have previously streamed events like concerts and plays. When I was working in OBS 22, I could put song slides (with music and lyrics) in order as transparent PNG files in an image slideshow and go through them in order, reliably, with no problem.

Since updating to 24, I have the famous problem of only making it through 3 or 4 or sometimes 6 images, before looping back to the beginning. (Though I've changed nothing since upgrading from 22). I recently tried to install the 25 beta, in hopes that the problem would be resolved, but the image slideshow is still malfunctioning.

As I've said, in OBS 22 there is absolutely no issue. I suppose I could just downgrade, but I was hoping to be able to access the new features in 24.

QUESTION 2: Is there any way to set default hot keys for all new image slideshows? It would be a huge time saver if I didn't need to go into preferences and assign them every time I make a new image slideshow.

Thank you so much for your help, great software! If you need a log file or something, can you please tell me how to upload them?