Question / Help Im kindly asking for help to smooth out my stream

Shauna is bae

New Member
Hi, Im having problems with ping when I stream while ingame ( league of legends ) Do you have any ideas of spesific settings that would make my stream run smoothly with great quality and no lag/high ping (120ping) ingame ? my specs are:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz

Video Card
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745

Video Card #2
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

8.0 GB

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 10 , 64-bit

Internet speed test is attatched:


  • internetspeed.png
    46.9 KB · Views: 7


New Member
Looking for an answer to the same thing. Hopefully we can figure this out. OBS causes me to lag really badly when playing league.

Shauna is bae

New Member
Yea, I figured I would turn a few buttons for less lag and less optimal quality. But I seems like I'm stuck with the 40-60 added ping.
Gladly, I know there's people out there that knows exactly what to do if you share your specs and etc with them. Let's be patient.


New Member
My ping is around 20-24 when not streaming using OBS. When I am using OBS it jumps between 30-50 which the ping jumps causes a lag.

Shauna is bae

New Member
What kind of setting do you use (the encoding ) ? I normally have around 35 ping without obs active, and 60-120 while streaming.


New Member
Your problem most certainly is your upstream. You might have to stream in very low quality to not affect your ping.


New Member
You have only 2Mbit upload speed, make sure your upload in OBS is correct adjusted for that low upload. I'm streaming with 2.6Mbit upload. And I also got higher ping when I streamed, what I did to fix it was to check the "Automatic low latency mode" under the Advanced tab in OBS. Since I adjusted this I can stream with my 15-35ms in all games. I'm streaming with 1900bitrate.