New Member
So, been trying to get a good stream running for days... been fiddling with settings, crashing OBS with OpenGL setting XD, reinstalling, mucking around with bitrates and what not... and I just can't find a solution to get a clean stream with no drop outs. I'll post everything I can.
So first things, I'm streaming from lovely little Adelaide, South Australia.
This is my Speedtest from Adelaide to Sydney (which I would assume would be my best Server Location)
Now, I did the Twitch Bandwith Test, and it seriously doesn't match up at all and is all over the place...
So yeah, I dunno if I can trust these results >_<
So, I used Taipei, as it seems to be a decent-ish server location based on the above results and this was my last log (very small stream)
Any Help to get it running smooth? I think I should be able to...
So first things, I'm streaming from lovely little Adelaide, South Australia.
This is my Speedtest from Adelaide to Sydney (which I would assume would be my best Server Location)
Now, I did the Twitch Bandwith Test, and it seriously doesn't match up at all and is all over the place...
So yeah, I dunno if I can trust these results >_<
So, I used Taipei, as it seems to be a decent-ish server location based on the above results and this was my last log (very small stream)
Any Help to get it running smooth? I think I should be able to...