Hey all! I know there have been more people saying the same things, yet I'd really appreciate your help. I want to set up my stream so that I don't get freezes or fps drops and stream the best POSSIBLE quality(so that I'm able to play without problems). So, Settings should I set?
Another thing is that whilst I'm streaming, the stream sometimes freezes on its own for 2-3 seconds. How do I fix that?
Also, some info:
Processor: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor 3.50 GHz
RAM: 8.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64 based processor
Speed Test results -> Ping: 15 ms, Download Speed: 36.90 MBps Upload Speed: 4.63 Mbps
I have the logs of the last session where I got the freezes, I guess this helps.
[14:44:42: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
14:44:42: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
14:44:42: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v2.0.50727 .NET runtime
14:44:42: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
14:44:42: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
14:44:42: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
14:44:42: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly CLRBrowserSourcePlugin
14:44:43: CLRHost:: Could not find/load browser settings at location C:\Users\ele_1\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json
14:44:43: CLRHost:: Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\ele_1\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json'.
14:44:43: File name: 'C:\Users\ele_1\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json'
14:44:43: at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
14:44:43: at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
14:44:43: at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
14:44:43: at CLRBrowserSourcePlugin.Shared.BrowserSettings.Reload()
14:44:43: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: CLRBrowserSourcePlugin.CLRBrowserSourcePlugin, Name: CLR Browser Source Plugin]
14:44:49: No Intel graphics adapter visible in QSVHelper.exe, Optimus problem?
14:44:49: Failed loading CUDA dll
14:49:14: CLR host plugin instance deleted; removing dynamically loaded localization strings
Last game capture log:
2016-10-26, 18:31:46: we're booting up:
18:31:46: CaptureThread: attached to process League of Legends.exe
18:31:46: D3D9 Present
18:31:46: DXGI Present
18:31:46: GL Present
18:31:46: DirectDraw capture: Windows 8 not supported yet
18:31:46: (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
18:31:46: D3D9EndScene called
18:31:46: BackBufferWidth: 1920
18:31:46: BackBufferHeight: 1200
18:31:46: BackBufferFormat: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
18:31:46: BackBufferCount: 1
18:31:46: MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
18:31:46: MultiSampleQuality: 0
18:31:46: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD
18:31:46: hDeviceWindow: 787730
18:31:46: Windowed: true
18:31:46: EnableAutoDepthStencil: false
18:31:46: AutoDepthStencilFormat: D3DFMT_D24S8
18:31:46: Flags: None
18:31:46: FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz: 0
18:31:46: PresentationInterval: 2147483648
18:31:46: };
18:31:46: successfully set up d3d9 hooks
18:31:46: D3D9Present called
18:31:46: DoD3D9GPUHook: using offset workaround
18:31:46: DoD3D9GPUHook: success
18:31:46: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
18:31:46: Format: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
18:31:46: Type: D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE
18:31:46: Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
18:31:46: MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
18:31:46: MultiSampleQuality: 0
18:31:46: Width: 1920
18:31:46: Height: 1200
18:31:46: };
18:31:46: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU]
Another thing is that whilst I'm streaming, the stream sometimes freezes on its own for 2-3 seconds. How do I fix that?
Also, some info:
Processor: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor 3.50 GHz
RAM: 8.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64 based processor
Speed Test results -> Ping: 15 ms, Download Speed: 36.90 MBps Upload Speed: 4.63 Mbps
I have the logs of the last session where I got the freezes, I guess this helps.
[14:44:42: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
14:44:42: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
14:44:42: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v2.0.50727 .NET runtime
14:44:42: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
14:44:42: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
14:44:42: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
14:44:42: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly CLRBrowserSourcePlugin
14:44:43: CLRHost:: Could not find/load browser settings at location C:\Users\ele_1\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json
14:44:43: CLRHost:: Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\ele_1\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json'.
14:44:43: File name: 'C:\Users\ele_1\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json'
14:44:43: at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
14:44:43: at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
14:44:43: at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
14:44:43: at CLRBrowserSourcePlugin.Shared.BrowserSettings.Reload()
14:44:43: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: CLRBrowserSourcePlugin.CLRBrowserSourcePlugin, Name: CLR Browser Source Plugin]
14:44:49: No Intel graphics adapter visible in QSVHelper.exe, Optimus problem?
14:44:49: Failed loading CUDA dll
14:49:14: CLR host plugin instance deleted; removing dynamically loaded localization strings
Last game capture log:
2016-10-26, 18:31:46: we're booting up:
18:31:46: CaptureThread: attached to process League of Legends.exe
18:31:46: D3D9 Present
18:31:46: DXGI Present
18:31:46: GL Present
18:31:46: DirectDraw capture: Windows 8 not supported yet
18:31:46: (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
18:31:46: D3D9EndScene called
18:31:46: BackBufferWidth: 1920
18:31:46: BackBufferHeight: 1200
18:31:46: BackBufferFormat: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
18:31:46: BackBufferCount: 1
18:31:46: MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
18:31:46: MultiSampleQuality: 0
18:31:46: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD
18:31:46: hDeviceWindow: 787730
18:31:46: Windowed: true
18:31:46: EnableAutoDepthStencil: false
18:31:46: AutoDepthStencilFormat: D3DFMT_D24S8
18:31:46: Flags: None
18:31:46: FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz: 0
18:31:46: PresentationInterval: 2147483648
18:31:46: };
18:31:46: successfully set up d3d9 hooks
18:31:46: D3D9Present called
18:31:46: DoD3D9GPUHook: using offset workaround
18:31:46: DoD3D9GPUHook: success
18:31:46: D3DSURFACE_DESC {
18:31:46: Format: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
18:31:46: Type: D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE
18:31:46: Pool: D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
18:31:46: MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
18:31:46: MultiSampleQuality: 0
18:31:46: Width: 1920
18:31:46: Height: 1200
18:31:46: };
18:31:46: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via GPU]