icecast "audio only" is not working


New Member
I'm trying to send the stream to an icecast server.
I've set up my recording output like this screen :


Everything works fine with these settings, but I'd like to stream audio ONLY to my icecast server (no video).
I've tried almost all settings (aac, ogg, changing content_type to audio/aac or audio/ogg, ...) and nothing works. When I disable the video encoder, nothing is sent to the icecast server (no video of course but no audio aswell).
The log isnt relevant
Anyone can help ?


Your screenshot shows the Recording tab. This is meant for recording, so for creating an audio or video file at your hard disk.
It contains settings for Streaming though.


New Member
Yes I want to stream the video to twitch (with streaming tab) and audio to my icecast server (I run a radio station)
I found several howtos where I saw that I can stream to icecast using the recording tab and some ffmpeg options. This tweak works when I stream video to icecast, but not when it's only audio
Here is the link : Streaming with OBS to Icecast — ePirat‘s Blog


This whole Icecast is totally new to me, but maybe you'd try Container Format = mp3 and Video Encoder = Disable Encoder.
It's only guessing... so hopefully someone more experienced can hop in.


New Member
I use officially Format For Icecast ... Ogg Format
Without Muxer Setting Dosent Work !!! ... so i complete with this Values