Question / Help i7 3770k Battlefield 4 optimizing OBS for streaming

hello guys i recently had a i7 3770k bought for me and i've been trying to stream BF4 and Hardline but when im playing 64 man server and you know in firefights my fps will sometimes drop below 60. I run using the VeryFast Preset and stream @ 720p 30fps. if you need any more information please ask, ive been trying to fix this issue forever and even purchased this new processor.


  • 2016-04-29-1736-28.log
    16.9 KB · Views: 16


Forum Moderator
You can try QuickSync to remove the CPU-impact of OBS but it will degrade quality quite a bit on the old Ivy Bridge Intels.


Forum Moderator
You can try to switch the x264 preset to UltraFast, not sure tho if it really helps that much.