I would like to ask for your help with EOI Warning and Overread Error.


New Member
Hello everyone, just running the OBS program causes Warning, Error logs.
Also, I'm worried that it won't stop during the broadcast and keep logging, so it won't be a problem with streaming.
I'm sharing that log below, so I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know how to fix it.

09:52:10.430: error: overread 8
09:52:10.430: warning: EOI missing, emulating
09:52:10.442: warning: Found EOI before any SOF, ignoring
09:52:10.445: error: overread 8
09:52:10.445: warning: EOI missing, emulating
09:52:10.458: warning: Found EOI before any SOF, ignoring
09:52:10.461: error: overread 8
09:52:10.461: warning: EOI missing, emulating
09:52:10.474: warning: Found EOI before any SOF, ignoring
09:52:10.477: error: overread 8
09:52:10.477: warning: EOI missing, emulating
09:52:10.480: warning: deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
09:52:10.490: warning: Found EOI before any SOF, ignoring
09:52:10.493: error: overread 8

....... The above is repeated over and over again. Please help me!