Question / Help I want to use Monitor Capture but...


New Member
Whenever I do the stream just flickers to black all the time.
I disabled Aero.
I usually play on Full Screen or for League, Borderless.

The only reason I want to do this is because, when I alt+tab when using Game Capture, it stops rendering frames and on the stream everything stops moving. (From what I've experienced and looked up)

Is there any fix to this?

Also, for Monitor Capture, do you have to make an individual Source for each game you play?


As long as you have whatever game you are playing running as a Borderless Window, it will NOT stop rendering frames when it loses focus. And as a result will not freeze on-stream.

Just make sure to have Aero Enabled whenever you do run it as a Borderless Window (and capture it with Game Capture/Window Capture). It will perform better. Only ever disable Aero if you use a Monitor Capture. Which can be avoided, usually.

As far as your final question is concerned -- if you use a Monitor Capture you should typically not need to add multiple sources for individual titles. The name says it all, it captures your Monitor. Not a particular game.


New Member
Kharay said:
As long as you have whatever game you are playing running as a Borderless Window, it will NOT stop rendering frames when it loses focus. And as a result will not freeze on-stream.

Just make sure to have Aero Enabled whenever you do run it as a Borderless Window (and capture it with Game Capture/Window Capture). It will perform better. Only ever disable Aero if you use a Monitor Capture. Which can be avoided, usually.

Alright, Thanks.

Although I'm confused about 2 other things now. I don't know if my sources are pretty iffy, but I have 2 Sources;

1. Game Capture (For all the games I play, I have it hot-keyed)
2. Monitor Capture for my desktop, so when I'm not playing people can just stare at my beautiful wallpaper. :D

So do I keep Aero enabled if I'm only using Monitor Capture for my desktop?

And if my game only has a Windowed mode, doesn't that make my resolution look weird (and go off screen) if I want to play on the max my monitor allows me to?


Borderless/Fullscreen Window typically should be in the native resolution of your monitor so should not look weird. And if it's a smaller window, well... you could always consider resizing it. Preview > Edit Scene > mess around with the corners. ;)

Anyhow, if it's Game Capture (and not Window Capture) it should be OK to just disable Aero. Window Capture however really behaves strangely without Aero.