I want a code powered automatic scene switcher


New Member
I don't have the skills to build this, but.... I know JavaScript a bit, some PHP, and CSS. I've used a few proprietary languages in some software's particular API to accmplish the specific things that I needed, given that those things were as simple as... say, "if, then, else"

The automatic scene switcher is a great idea, and I just learned about its existence and started to attempt to build things I thought of... that I feel like the GUI will never be able to accomplish as easily, with as little work involved.

I want complex conditional branches that check what window I'm using, which scene I'm currently in, and whether or not to change scene, hide or unhide a source, and even hide or unhide filter effects on a source. I want conditions to turn the switcher off and back on. I want to push a source to unhidden if I'm on the scene where something like StreamLabs alerts is being called on at that moment (not sure how possible that one is).

I would do something like.... if Game Audio remains at a threshold of complete silence fro so many milliseconds, it switches on another audio channel that fades out when the Game audio is detected again.

Due to the nature of the buggy code that this could create, maybe the ability to cue a sound effect when the condition is met, to remind the streamer that a thing has happened.

Things like if, then, else, push, pop, for, in, do while, and break loop type commands are simple enough things for any common copypasta script kiddy can put to work for his own needs; and if nothing else, from other peoples work, figure it out if the syntax is simple enough. It might seem like a tool many would not know how to use, but... you can learn how to format with HTML or take an intro to JS class involving the things I mentioned in a single after noon. It all gets much more complex, but those simple things... What power for the common man if what say they were manipulated with a basic code syntax.

You can accomplish a lot more with those things than you can in a GUI, even one that is thoroughly complex with many drop down menus (like RPG Maker, for instance) and still not be very powerful as you'd imagine for all those GUI tools taking up so many pages.

If people are considering ever working on the Auto Scene Changer, and they decide it could be more complex.... Bear in mind this idea, which I pass on you to do what you will with it:

Auto scene changer programmed by the end user in proprietary basic language, maybe like JS (since I already know it lol). And maybe it wouldn't start off as powerful as imagine ti could be... And maybe the brilliant people doing work on FOSS software like OBS aren't committed to implement my idea, or have reasons why its no practical, and are busy with other things, which I'm not nearly elite enough of a programmer to accomplish. I respect that.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for all the work you do. Software would not be as powerfully developed or available to the masses without your like. Respect.


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Forum Moderator
You can probably achieve some of this with the scripting support already built-in to OBS, which supports Lua and Python. Or you might be able to hack something together with obs-websocket and JavaScript and the built-in browser source. Have you checked out the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin rather than the OBS standard Automatic Scene Switcher?

I'm not sure how practical it is to add a JavaScript engine directly into OBS.