I need windows 8 version


New Member
Welp I downloaded the button CLEARLY were it said windows 7/8 and I read the log after recording to see why it stopped recording: "windows 8 not supported"

I don't know anymore
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New Member
I just wanted to have a free recording software...
if you think I will wait like 3 months:
just why: I thought it said windows 8
I have to express myself in gifs just to let you UNDERSTAND that even if it's freeware YOU DON'T PUT WINDOWS 8 IF NOT SUPPORTED:
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New Member
and when I THOUGHT it worked, it recorded for 3 minutes and I don't know When in the video it worked, but it seemed it stopped when the audio started working.......


Forum Moderator
The GIFs were terrible and annoying, please don't ever do that again. I assume the line in the log file you're referring to is "DirectDraw capture: Windows 8 not supported yet" which does not mean OBS doesn't work in Windows 8, just that DirectDraw capture doesn't work in Windows 8, because DirectDraw itself was removed from the OS.

If you're actually having trouble with OBS please be more to the point so that we can help you.