I need to fix this lag that apparently has no solution


New Member
Hello everyone, this lag happens to me only in stream and
and I see the game fine, for some strange reason when minimizing the game it apparently returns to normal but when playing again it starts.

The games have this stream lag even if they are one of those low graphics from itch.io

It is not the internet since I have 50mb of upload and download and the internet is completely stable.

My pc is not bad at all:

-Ryzen 7 3700x with liquid cooling
-gtx 1060
-16GB of 3600hz DRR4 ram
-Windows 10

The drivers are always up to date and I usually stream at 1080p at 60hz.

OBS from administrator.

I leave the log just in case: https://obsproject.com/logs/JEEaWOsxSbQK8sov


Active Member
What do you mean by 'lag'? sorry, 'lag' means different things to different people
If you mean the delay from the time you play, to your viewers can watch... that is expected.. speed of light isn't that fast, nor is video re-encoding that almost all CDN's do. Between the slowness of speed-of-light, time to re-encode and re-distribute, viewer latency can be 10+ seconds to a minute. Want faster and simple? don't use a free service. Faster and free... usually means gaming settings, which can change over time, and even then, won't make that much difference

upload bandwidth does NOT tell you about jitter and latency, which are at least as important with real-time video streaming (even more so with audio).

OBS run as administrator overcomes some OS level CPU/GPU prioritization considerations.. but is atrocious from a system security perspective. Unless running as OBS with local admin rights is the only way to fix an issue you are experiencing (and there are often better approaches), I'd advise against it