I need help with Base (Canvas) Res and Output (Scaled) Res


New Member
I have a 1366x768 monitor, I usually stream with both 1920x1080 but i not watch my own stream to get any idea what is different if I set it beyond my monitor res. Now I want to set Base Res back to 1366x768 but Output Res is 1664x963 or 1080p can it upsacle stream quality or not? I can't find any information around this question so I very worries that will affects my stream.

Suslik V

Active Member
OBS uses same upscale algorithms either you enlarge each source individually or whole output. Usually, up-scaling is not recommended.
In my opinion, better to have 1280x720 for streaming (and run all games in this resolution for your PC).


New Member
OBS uses same upscale algorithms either you enlarge each source individually or whole output. Usually, up-scaling is not recommended.
In my opinion, better to have 1280x720 for streaming (and run all games in this resolution for your PC).
What if my pc is high-end, and try to force it to run upscale with 936p or 1080p does it really bad? or it still can able to do it but not recommened?

Suslik V

Active Member
Main question is "Why do you need upscale?".

1664x936 likely will be scaled down again (to closest common resolution) by video service itself.

Here is example of what settings are recommended by popular video services (for streaming):


New Member
Main question is "Why do you need upscale?".

1664x936 likely will be scaled down again (to closest common resolution) by video service itself.

Here is example of what settings are recommended by popular video services (for streaming):
Well, it's for viewer with best quality, but since it scaled down so guess I'll set back to 720p then. The problem I don't set it to 720p cus i afraid it don't give a best quality. Anyway thanks for your help.