Question / Help i maybe have a networking problem


New Member

Viewers have problems watching my stream. I have 10mbit upload, an i5 2500k and an ati 6850gpu. My resolution is 1024*768. I use twitch. The uploaded video on twitch doesn't match the stream no matter what settings i use. At the beginning the audio was 1-2seconds late and the video had huge lags. Only 500kb was acceptable. After openening ports for twitch (80, 443, 1935) in my router i could fix this problem and the audio matches the video now. I can stream 1500kb acceptable, the stream is not laggy, but looks kind of slow. Looks like there are frames missing or something(the uploaded twitch video looks normal). Maybe it's not a routing problem, but i am kind of running out of ideas what could be the cause.
Hope somebody can help.

Edit: Ok added log.


  • 2013-09-16-1829-06.log
    23.5 KB · Views: 17


New Member
I think it is the router. I tried deactivating the router firewall and other options, but nothing seems to work so far.


You could try and skip the router if it is possible for you (1 router 1 modem as example, directly plug into the modem).
edit: actually nevermind your log looks totally fine, can you post an example video?


New Member
The thing is that the recorded videos(twitch or pc harddrive) look fine and are normal. It is the live stream that looks bad.


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Forum Moderator
Everything (at least at my first casual glance) in the log file seems to be okay. Your bitrate isn't too high for the average viewer, the CPU usage is good and your system is good, you don't have any frame drops that I can see. You used monitor capture one time which is generally not ideal but aero is off so it should have worked fine.

The recordings represent exactly how it's being sent out, so if the recordings look fine and you're not dropping frames, then it's not something on your end, it may be on the viewer's end or potentially the server, because 1500 bitrate is perfectly fine for the vast vast majority of users.