Question / Help I long for the sweet release of death


New Member\-Setting-Up-Your-Environment

"Once you have all of that downloaded and installed, you want to set the following environment variables:"​

What the fuck is this crap?

  • DirectX SDK fails to install every time and the error code remedies don't do anything to help
  • The "Windows SDK Path" is extremely vague and I have no idea which folder exactly we're talking about here
  • I have no idea how to set environment variables in Visual Studio and the MSDN explanations don't give any instructions. They only refer to something called MSBuild, so when I look up MSBuild it leads me to yet another thing... and down the rabbit hole I fall.
This guide is absolute garbage for people like me who are not professional Visual Studio developers and because absolutely everything in this guide depends on this one thing, I cannot proceed or do any work at all toward fucking around to try and make the plugin I want to make but probably won't actually finish because I am a piece of shit who longs for the sweet release of death.


Forum Moderator
Make another thread like this and your forum posting privileges will experience a quick death indeed.

It's also worth mentioning that OBS Classic is no longer in development, so if you're looking to get into the plugin side of things, OBS Studio is where to start. If you need help I strongly advise just asking your question without the ridiculous drama.