Question / Help I don't understand how sub region works


I was trying to capture the Firefall launcher with inner/full window software mode but it only wants to show the top line of "Firefall Closed Beta: Stage 1" and not even the entire launcher.

I looked at the sub region part and I don't understand how to use it. The launcher window has the overlay on it but I have no idea how to select a region.


dodgepong said:
You drag the white box around and resize it over the area you want to capture.

What white box?

If I try to drag around on a portion of the window it moves the window around.


Ok well I guess the launcher just refuses to be captured in its entirety.
It only shows the left side where the patch notes are and doesn't show the right side of it.


The Helping Squad
I normally wouldnt advise this, but you could make a seperate scene (PLEASE DO IT IN A SEPERATE SCENE) and use a monitor capture to "grab the launcher". you can also use a sub region there to only show the launcher. now after you clicked on launch you just switch to a second scene with game/window capture for your game. Remember, you can set a Hotkey for each scene.

(Monitor capture is not that great under Win7, especiall with Aero activated, but it should work)