I Can't Seem To Figure Out My Settings. My recordings end up blurrier than I'd Like.

Hello all, I have tried and tried messing with OBS and I cannot seem to figure it out. I want to make YouTube videos, but the quality turns out way worse than I expect it to. I don't plan to stream due to my internet not being able to handle it.

If it helps, I have a GTX 3050 and a AMD Ryzen 5 3600 Processor.

My log file is provided here: https://obsproject.com/logs/6DTK1T5auAypplsa

I couldn't see any issues but I'm very new when it comes to this. Any and all help will be appreciated.


Active Member
Are you complaining about the quality of videos you uploaded to Youtube and are watching from Youtube, or are you complaining about the quality of the videos you are watching locally on your PC directly from the video file OBS recorded?

Youtube will recode every uploaded video, so the quality you upload is never the quality you will finally get if you watch it from Youtube.

If you're not satisfied with the quality of your local files, look at OBS Settings > Output > Recording > Recording Quality and choose an appropriate preset. Currently, it seems you have "High Quality, medium file size". Change it to "Indistinguishable Quality, large file size", if the other setting isn't good enough for you. However, Youtube may not be able to reproduce those quality settings due to its mandatory recode.
Are you complaining about the quality of videos you uploaded to Youtube and are watching from Youtube, or are you complaining about the quality of the videos you are watching locally on your PC directly from the video file OBS recorded?

Youtube will recode every uploaded video, so the quality you upload is never the quality you will finally get if you watch it from Youtube.

If you're not satisfied with the quality of your local files, look at OBS Settings > Output > Recording > Recording Quality and choose an appropriate preset. Currently, it seems you have "High Quality, medium file size". Change it to "Indistinguishable Quality, large file size", if the other setting isn't good enough for you. However, Youtube may not be able to reproduce those quality settings due to its mandatory recode.
I'm assuming the file gets compressed and makes it look a little blurry. I'm hoping I can just edit/upscale the quality and that'll help. Thank you for the reply. I think it was just me being a dummy lol