Question / Help I can't open my MP4 file!!


New Member
I recorded a video using OBS yesterday, and it can play after the recording.

Unlike the other videos, the this video donesn't have a thumbnail, it used the logo of VLC (Which is my default video player).

Also, the video got around an hour, is it the reason why it doesn't work?

Please help, I work very hard on this video.

Thank you soooooo much for anyone who help!!!

log file: 2015-11-21,03:22:59 - 04:24:55
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Maybe save as FLV then after done recording, convert it to MP4.

For me, many hours of recording as MP4 tends to freeze / lockup OBS for about a minute when clicking "Stop", then it responds again. This lockup don't happen when recording as FLV.


New Member
I don't think the process got forcibly terminated, I stop the recording manually, and the whole process ran normaly....


Got enough free disk space?

The effects of running out of disk space: .MP4 becomes completely corrupted, while .FLV is only truncated, probably without OBS showing an out of disk error.


New Member
Got enough free disk space?

The effects of running out of disk space: .MP4 becomes completely corrupted, while .FLV is only truncated, probably without OBS showing an out of disk error.

I got 309GB left..... I don't think I ranout of space....


What the filesize of a broken MP4?

I think MP4 in OBS may be limited to 2GB or 4GB, anything more might come corrupted, im getting errors, lockups, and corruption when I try to record MP4 over 4GB using very high bitrate.

FLV don't have this limit, I have success of FLV of over 10 GB and over 8 hours from OBS.

Edit: looks like the size limit was a problem on older version OBS. Maybe update OBS if using outdated OBS.
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New Member
What the filesize of a broken MP4?

I think MP4 in OBS may be limited to 2GB or 4GB, anything more might come corrupted, im getting errors, lockups, and corruption when I try to record MP4 over 4GB using very high bitrate.

FLV don't have this limit, I have success of FLV of over 10 GB and over 8 hours from OBS.

895 MB


Im not sure if corrupt MP4 is recoverable... Use FLV from now on as I found far less corruption of FLV compared to MP4.

Might be possible to use MP4 recovery tools but I haven't tried any of them.

OBS being unresponsive for a minute after over 10 hours of recording as MP4 still bothers me, not a problem on FLV. Did you close OBS too soon after you click stop recording?


Active Member
A corrupt MP4 is not recoverable, that is why we recommend using FLV. And then remux it to mp4 afterwards if you really need an mp4.


New Member
Im not sure if corrupt MP4 is recoverable... Use FLV from now on as I found far less corruption of FLV compared to MP4.

Might be possible to use MP4 recovery tools but I haven't tried any of them.

OBS being unresponsive for a minute after over 10 hours of recording as MP4 still bothers me, not a problem on FLV. Did you close OBS too soon after you click stop recording?

Nah, I wait a night before i close it... anyway, thanks everyone who helped :)