I can't find a solution for multiple PTT keys on gaming PC


New Member
Hi peeps,
I am trying to find a simple program that enables me to create up to 7 unique push to talk keys for my windows microphone on my primary PC.

I stream, to twitch.tv, on a secondary PC. In my mic. properties, on my gaming pc, I have set it to "listen to this device" and transmit the audio to my capture device (down the HDMI connection to my live gamer portable).
I do the same with stereo mix so basically all my audio (main volume and mic) is always being sent to my streaming PC for the stream to enjoy. Sadly this means I always have a hot mic. when streaming.

I play alot of Arma 3 and it lets me use many push to talk buttons to transmit on different radio channels. My personal experience is fine but I'd like to get rid of the hot mic. on the stream. If I had a piece of software which afforded me a healthy amount of PTT keys I'd be happy. Of course this would need to be a stand alone program to run on my gaming PC.

I've found lots of programs that let me bind a single PTT key like (PTT for Windows, MicUnmute, etc) but nothing permitting a handful. Even OBS offers just 2 and this wouldn't even be an option since I need it on just my gaming PC not my streaming system.

I have sent mails to the makers of several of the PTT programs in hopes they can make an updated release with what I'm looking for. Because I'm now at a point of no conclusion I figured I'd ask here to see if anyone else might have suggestions to my issue.

** EDIT : This is not specifically OBS related and you can delete if too off topic cheers


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Re: I can't find a solution for multiple PTT keys on gaming

Hm, 7 keys? yeesh. That's ind of insane. Anyway, for OBS itself, somewhat further in the future you'll probably be able to do this none-the-less simply because all hotkeys will eventually be fully programmable


New Member
Re: I can't find a solution for multiple PTT keys on gaming

For what it's worth, I have the same need - although only four PTT keys in my case - and the ability to bind unlimited PTT keys in OBS would solve it. Anybody with a military-style communications structure needs more than two PTT keys, and TeamSpeak supports it but OBS doesn't, which makes for a bit of a tough time for casters.


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Re: I can't find a solution for multiple PTT keys on gaming

Alright. I'll keep it in mind for the future, I'll make it so you'll be able to program unlimited hotkeys for things. (Though this will have to be the rewrite)


Re: I can't find a solution for multiple PTT keys on gaming

I too, use more than 2 PTTs. I was able to use a bug where I could program unlimited PTT keys by changing the PTT from what they currently were at the time. It would keep the previous PTT and the new PTT for the current session. However, it seems to have gotten fixed, which is really hurting my stream at the moment.

Sorry for the necro bump, just thought I'd post. I had a thread a while back requesting the same thing. Is there any way we can currently do this manually, like going into a file and editing in the keys?


New Member
Yeah, and can you please make an option to make any button a push-to-talk button. Buttons like left or right windows keys, sleep button and other special buttons. That would be really useful.


Active Member
to OP, if you are mixing your mic audio with the "listen to this device" the only way to mute your mic is to mute it inline, otherwise you would have to mute your entire stream as well.

you could use an in-line mute toggle switch which you would just have to ensure you pay attention to...


Oh, right on man! Never used this before it's all new. Will take a bit of getting used to. Thanks Devs for adding this!