I am trying to configure for a class the command line on my desktop for instruction!


New Member
Hi, i get the scene for audio capture and a scene for video capture, i can have the desktop show up and the other scene my video of just me and i can resize video so i am down in the corner. I get that (but) where i am lost at is i want to be able for my students to actually see me in the command line on the desktop doing things (not just a picture of my desktop which is what i get when I playback what i recorded. Am i missing a step? I am recording from my laptop with the onboard "web cam", which i know you can do it because years ago i used Screen-O-Matic to do screen recording of me doing computer stuff for students! So where i am missing a step any help would be greatly appreciated, i am sure it probably simple but i am missing something! Thanks in advance for any help i can get! Jeff


New Member
Here is a screen capture of what i have so far, not sure if will help but gives you an idea where I'm at, I guess! Jeff


  • Screen Capture for Review.jpg
    Screen Capture for Review.jpg
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