I am HIRING ASAP in EU: Streaming Technician with knowledge of OBS


New Member
Hello, everyone!

We are looking for an experienced streaming technician for a major event taking place in France. The candidate must be willing to arrive in France within the next few days and stay until the 26th may.

Key Responsibilities:
- Setting up and managing OBS streaming equipment and software.
- Providing technical support during live broadcasts.
- Managing audio and video streams to ensure high quality picture and sound.
- Working with graphics and animation for broadcast.

Candidate Requirements:
- Experience with OBS and other live streaming systems.
- Ability to arrive promptly in France and work throughout the specified period.
- High level of responsibility and ability to solve technical problems quickly.

We offer:
- Competitive salary.
- Travel and accommodation expenses are covered.
If you are interested in this position, please send your resume and contact information to new_dm@icloud.com and also include a username in Discord in the email. We look forward to hearing from you!