Question / Help How to stream 720p properly with a 1440p monitor?


New Member
Hey guys! So here is my initial question. Which is the recommended resolution to stream at while playing on a 1440p monitor? - 480p or 720p.

Ideally, I want to be able to stream at 720p30fps so I can have as many viewers as possible. Right now I have been setting my resolution in OBS to 1080p and then downscaling to 720p at 2000 BitRate/Buffer but I am honestly not sure if that makes sense? Should I be doing it a different way? Last night while I started streaming H1Z1:King of The Kill, I was all of a sudden experiencing choppiness movement in the game but not in OBS, no loss of frames or anything, just choppiness while playing.

Also, I am curious the effect that the video filter will have on CPU usage or upload if anyone happens to know? (Lanczos and Bicubic)

Here are my computers stats:
i5 - 4690k
GTX 970
24Gb 1866 mhz Ram

Upload Speed: 100Mbps

OBS Log File:

Thank you guys for any help! :)


Active Member
Set your base resolution to your monitor's actual resolution, then set a downscale to... downscale it. If you're at 1440p then you'll set a 2.0 downscale divider, so it'll end up at 720p.

Most people like bicubic better than lanczos.