Question / Help How to stop audio streaming, just stream video

Paul Field

New Member

I am streaming from one computer to another fora video podcast...

The audio comes directly thru the mixing board to the computer that is receiving the stream, but when i put the video on the screen a second audio appears that is slightly delayed.

So my question is how to set OBS not to stream my source PC audio at all, just the video.



Paul Field

New Member
its strange because it only started it doing it yesterday, and there was an OBS update yesterday.

is OBS studio a "heavy" app in comparison with regular OBS as that computer is pretty dogged down already 8-(

Paul Field

New Member
I just found a setting in X-Split to turn off audio, so i just did it there....

One other thing, am I missing something, and is this right... I get video from ManyCam, then OBS streams it to Adobe Flash Server and then that goes over to my other computer... which receives it into X-Split.

I wish I could figure out why it is delayed so much, or find another way so that it isn't... the PCs are right next to each other!

The onyl reason I use it is to pipe videos and stuff from YouTube, etc.


Active Member
and there was an OBS update yesterday.
No there wasn't. There hasn't been an update to the "regular" obs in a month and there hasn't been any meaningful work on it in over year. It's effectively dead.

is OBS studio a "heavy" app in comparison with regular OBS as that computer is pretty dogged down already 8-(
Studio is NOT a "heavy" app.

And your setup is horrid
I don't know why you're trying to use like 3 different streaming applications all at once like that, but OW.

What are you trying to pipe where and why?

Paul Field

New Member
Ok, well I got prompted for an update this week, maybe it was a plugin, or maybe I haven't closed that app in forever.

I do everything in X-Split live, the only thing I am trying to feed in to it are youtube clips...

If you can explain a better way, then I'd appreciate to hear it.

It has to be a way that X-Split can receive video from and not locally on that PC.


Active Member
So instead of doing everything in one program, you're trying to layer stuff through 3-4 different programs?

If you want to continue doing this in xsplit, you should ask THEIR support for how to feed the desired youtube clips through their software. Adding additional programs and relays increases the number of places that things can go wrong.

Paul Field

New Member
problem with playing anything in x-split is the audio doesnt go thru the board, so the hosts can't hear or see it

are there any programs that do it all as far as stream a screenshot into an RTMP stream, instead of using all of these programs?


Active Member
If you're doing youtube videos, you can use OBS Studio's browser source, as that will play through the default sound device and you can go into interact mode to actually interact with the page.

Paul Field

New Member
ok and does OBS create an RTMP stream that X-Split can connect to?

coz I thought it didn't and thats why you need Adobe Flash Media Server

Paul Field

New Member
Because X-Split is streaming my 4 cameras to Youtube Live and Facebook Live, along with captions, intro music, mixes etc.

Theres no way one PC can handle playing youtube clips, screengrabbing, skype calls, video switching, etc etc unless i am missing something big about Open Broadcaster Studio

Paul Field

New Member
plus i need the audio to go thru the board and then to the broadcast computer, and i need skype and played videos to go thru the board, and NOT directly to the stream, so people on mic can talk to the skype callers


Active Member
Theres no way one PC can handle playing youtube clips, screengrabbing, skype calls, video switching, etc etc unless i am missing something big about Open Broadcaster Studio
youtube clips - browser source
screen grabbing - display capture
skype calls - window capture with cropping as well as audio capturing the mic AND speaker devices selected in skype
Video switching (including camera swapping) - video capture devices.

Pretty sure that if I were there, I could eliminate the second computer from the setup entirely.

Paul Field

New Member
And feeding audio out and back from mics?

Audio dump button?

USB bus on one comp can only handle 3 cameras at 720p and thats an i7 with ssd...

Id love to give it a go tho, are there any video podcast setup documents for a setup like you are describing here?


Active Member
USB bus on one comp can only handle 3 cameras at 720p and thats an i7 with ssd... Don't know what you're doing but I was able to get FIVE cameras working on a single computer at 1080p on an i5. Admittedly there's stuttering, but that's to be expected with that many 1080p30 sources.

Audio routing with a decent digital mixer is definitely helpful, but you don't need to loop back audio from mics to a separate mixer if you're using skype. OBS is capable of capturing usb connected mixers fine (I have two different models that work)

Paul Field

New Member
I have the Behringer Xenyx 1204USB mixer... i have 5 mics and headphones that the loop back to the computer for skype

yeah i could do 4 cams but they freeze up so useless to me

i have have a faster computer but it isnt SSD so it drops frames more than the slightly slower one

i have to check out the details of the OBS Studio platform, i just like the control-ability of a separate computer from the streaming computer, scared to do something that means it wont keep up at the same frame rate and res

if you wanna see what im working on, heres a link:




Active Member
You're streaming, hard drive vs ssd is irrelevant.
Also, most GOOD recording settings will need under 10mbyte/sec sustained transfer to keep up with recording.

Freezing up with 4 cameras says to me your input format is not optimal (mjpeg tends to perform best, may need experimentation to get right, and is NOT based on main processor performance, but instead USB root hub performance)

You may need to go up to behringer's digital mixers (like the x32) in order to get the routing right for your mic audio.