Bug Report How to recapture game capture if you get a black screen?


Here is how it happens for me:

1) Open the game first (in full screen windowed mode, in my case, Guild Wars 2), open OBS and I will get a capture in the preview/stream window. Start streaming.

2) Game crashes at some point, or I have to close it and reopen my game for any reason, OBS can't seem to refresh the game capture and the output is black (minus the images I have sitting on top of my stream).

Is there something I'm missing here? It seems the only way to fix it is to shut down both my game and OBS (which of course disconnects my stream) and start from scratch.

Is there some way to force it to capture again while both are open and not disconnect the stream?

Thank you!


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ah, yes, there's a bug at the moment where this can happen. I am currently going over game capture at the moment in the code so hopefully I can get this fixed.