Question / Help How To Make Image Settings Different Per Scene?

HI there,

Since Studio has this new feature where it saves images and you can "add existing", is there any way to make it so that when I "add existing" to a new Scene that it has separate settings like Opacity and such per scene?
Okay yeah I thought I would have to do that. I just didn't wanna have copies of the exact same picture in the saved library ya know?

Thanks for the answer!

Suslik V

Active Member
Not sure what you are talking about.

1) add new scene, name Scene 1
2) add new scene, name Scene 2
3) add new scene, name Scene 3
4) to the Scene 1 add source image (Create new)
5) to the Scene 2 add source image (Add Existing) - image from Scene 1
6) to the Scene 3 add source Scene (point it to Scene 1)
7) to the Scene 3 add source Scene (point it to Scene 2)
8) in the Scene 3 you have two sources (Scene 1 and Scene 2) - you can apply different Filters to them (no matter that this still is the same image source that was added at step #4 and cloned at #5)
Thus opacity of the source Scene 1 = 80, and opacity of the source Scene 2 = 30, for example.

Same thing for camera sources. Disadvantages - the filters apply to the whole scene (Scene 1 and Scene 2), so keep in them only the single source.


New Member
So, this is a pretty old thread and everyone probably has it figured out by now, but if not...
In OBS 25, be sure to add a NEW camera to every scene. If you say "use existing" then any adjustments you make in one scene will propagate to all scenes. If you make a new camera for each scene, then the settings will change with the selected scene. That's all for now.


New Member
So, this is a pretty old thread and everyone probably has it figured out by now, but if not...
In OBS 25, be sure to add a NEW camera to every scene. If you say "use existing" then any adjustments you make in one scene will propagate to all scenes. If you make a new camera for each scene, then the settings will change with the selected scene. That's all for now.

Don't do that, it will massively eat resources.

Do what Suslik said: Make scene per source and add this scene (as source). Filter apply to scene.


Active Member
Better way (more straightforward and less clutter) to apply distinct filters to multiple instances of the same source is to put the source into a group and apply filters to the group instead of the source. Groups don't clutter the scene list. For each different filter set, create a new group.


New Member
Thanks that totally worked I created one group and applied alphas to the group. Now I can play around with this idea of groups. Does this work with audio as well? I was thinking of building a master scene then making groups out of the different components. For example camera 1 with alpha over camera 2 with colour raindrop alpha and audio 2.