Question / Help How to make a scene like this?


New Member


They can change the schedule and the flying text on the fly.

And there is a plugin showing the song currently being played.


Hmmm i think the browser plugin could allow something like that.

The easiest way would be just a image made with like Photoshop or Gimp but the problem would be that they can't be changed on the fly.Browser plugin allows using flash objects so you can change a lot stuff on the fly. Basically with flash you could do for example you know the overlays on sports channels on TV. Showing goals for each teams and time and which period. That can be easily done with flash. So making that kind of scene would be easy. You just need to know how to make flash scenes.

There might be easier ways but this was one way of doing it.


Actually its pretty easy. Just look for some tutorials on youtube. That kind of things with flash are pretty easy cause they are just basically images or image layers. Hard part would be if you were making a flash program which requires working GUI and stuff. But for this kind of use you just make basically images/image-layers just like with lets say photoshop but you can change/update the content/layers on the fly.


Wouldn't it be possible with one of the text tools around here and some text sources?
I never used them, but if they can output the current time, and I know there are some that can output the currently played songs. You'd then only have to manually edit a text file with the schedule.

Using a text source, it will update itself every time one of your files changes.


ThoNohT said:
Wouldn't it be possible with one of the text tools around here and some text sources?
I never used them, but if they can output the current time, and I know there are some that can output the currently played songs. You'd then only have to manually edit a text file with the schedule.

Using a text source, it will update itself every time one of your files changes.
Hmmm actually that could be easier way if there's any working text tools currently(?). Really there is so many ways to do that kind of scenes so what ever turns out to be best for OP, use it. With text tools you have to make a background image to get similar looking scene


Actually, you could just do something like a Color Key-ed Notepad/Wordpad window for the actual text content of the schedule. And then just slap a (partially) Color Key-ed image around it or something. Although doing it in Flash would probably be the cleaner approach. But, yeah, what WayZHC said -- there are numerous ways of going about setting something like this up.


Well the notepad approach requires extra windows to be open (not minimized), and editing them will show a cursor and typing in it. I don't think that's a very nice approach. Using a text source, it won't update until you saved the text file. And of course the tools(
... take your pick)

take care of getting those other now playing/counter/time/whatever else is available texts right for you.


Well the reason why i mentioned flash with browser plugin was because it might actually be easier to do cause it's more graphical way to do it so he can see the result all the time while he is editing it. Or it might be harder.

Html(+css)/javascript requires some coding knowledge and it's text based so there is no graphical interface showing the result in realtime. So both ways have pros and cons. For most people graphical interface is the easiest option to use.

But ThoNohT maybe has the best way to get the scene ready for the OP