Question / Help How To Get Rid of Split Screen


New Member
this is stupid I can't find any option to get rid of this studio mode nor can I figure out how the hell I even got it in this state. How can I get this back to normal? Where in your docs does it tell you what the shortcut is for toggling this on and off? I see it talks about studio mode here but nothing about how you toggle it, what keyboard shortcut that is, or anything whatsoever on that.

Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 12.01.38 AM.png


New Member
omg yea my eyes tend to skim over those buttons, they kinda sink away. Thanks. Duh!!! I think my brain has been programmed to skip over that button seriously cause i never use it but I use all the other buttons on that side. Or maybe I just need some sleep :).