How to get obs-virtualcam-module32.dll?


New Member
I get the source code from GitHub. OBS should be installed with its own virtual camera, but I get win-dshow.dll instead of obs-virtualcam-module32.dll after compiling the code. How can I configure the project to compile obs-virtualcam-module32.dll.


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New Member
Build a 32 bit project.
Yes, I built a 32-bit project. Now I may find the answer to the problem. The virtualcam-module project was not generated together in the process of using cmake to generate VS project. I'm building it separately this virtualcam-module project


New Member
Check your Cmake log, you most likely did not set a GUID for the camera.
Sorry, it seems that I have not set the guid. What is this rule? Is there an example


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Forum Admin
Any GUID works, it just has to be unique and not conflict with any others.

Example: 5924B946-9A87-4ECA-976E-B5C1D6C9F0AE


New Member
I hit this issue while trying to build 29.1.3 and couldn't figure out how to also make 32bit dlls. I found obs-virtualcam-module32.dll and obs-virtualcam-module32.pdb in my installed dir of a different pre-built dir C:\Program Files\obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\win-dshow. Copied them over and both the install script and virtualcam work now. I haven't tried removing the lines from the script that try to register the DLL to see if that works also, with just the 64bit dll.