How to call gs_texture_map in a lua script?


New Member
I wrote a script that get some pixels from a source, and switch the scene if some conditions are true.

But when I try to call gs_texture_map I found that I can't provide the right parameters to it.

I tried to bmalloc a variable

local ptr = obs.bmalloc(8)
local ret = obs.gs_texture_map(render_tex, ptr, ptr)

but get a error:
[Lua: switcher.lua] Failed to call video_render for Scene Switcher Filter: balabala/switcher.lua:219: Error in gs_texture_map (arg 2), expected 'uint8_t **|unsigned char **' got 'void *'

How can I alloc `uint8_t **` and `uint32_t *` variables that gs_texture_map wants?