How to add moving image to slide transition?


New Member
What I want to do, is to have slide transition moving from left to right and moving image moving along line between scenes, so it looks like the image is pushing one scene away.

I tried to do it with stinger transition, but effect isn't satisfying for me, because scenes aren't moving from left to right in singer. Any ideas how to do it, preferably without plugins?


Active Member
If you want one image (some source) replace another image (another source) by sliding, you can use the "Show transition" for the 1st with a "slide" type, and a "Hide transition" for the 2nd with a "slide" type as well.
Then trigger showing the 1st source and hiding the 2nd at the same time by assigning the "show transition" of the 1st source and the "hide transition" of the 2nd source the same hotkey.
Unfortunately, with my tests both transitions don't run at the same time but one after the other, so there is a blank space between them.